Friday 25 April 2014

Bigger is Better (Sometimes)

Lori has been home for almost a week now and it's been great. We've been busy picking up things for the new house. Blinds, curtains, towels and things that I'm useless at buying. The first few days were an adjustment period for Lori. We've often commented on how everything in North America is so much bigger than in Europe. Grocery stores are enormous and the parking lots are massive. It takes awhile to get used to.

Bigger isn't always better. When it comes to food, bigger portion sizes are not better for your health. With vehicles, bigger trucks are not better for the environment. When it comes to watching playoff hockey though, bigger is definitely better.

After watching the playoffs on my iPad last year, it's so nice to watch them on a big screen TV.


Friday 18 April 2014

Coming Home!

Lori is flying home from Paris tomorrow. We've been apart since February 17th (not that I'm counting). That's the longest we've been apart since I was in the Navy. When I left, we didn't think we would be separated for this long, but sometimes life gets in the way of your plans. Shortly after we moved into the new house, Lori's mom fell down the stairs and broke her wrist. I decided to stay and help out while she was laid up.

Lori will be in St. John's for a week before heading to Calgary. She has to tie up a few loose ends with her old firm but then she'll be back in St. John's for the summer. I can't really explain why (because I don't understand it) but she has to leave France for 3 months before she can start with the new company. She will be working from home in St. John's. I have her office all set up. The only downside is, she has to start work at 6:00am because of the time difference between St. John's and Paris but she says it's worth it.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend and I'll talk to you next week.
