Monday 28 July 2014

East Coast Trail

We went for a couple of hikes this week along the East Coast Trail and they were spectacular. I've known about the trail for awhile and have read rave reviews online but I had no idea how incredible they were until we went out. The trail runs along the eastern shore of the Avalon Peninsula for 265km. It's broken up into 24 segments of different lengths and difficulties.

The first hike we did went from Logy Bay to Quidi Vidi village. We picked this trail based on the length and degree of difficulty. What we forgot to check was the elevation chart. The trail itself was 9km which wasn't bad, but the changes in elevation nearly killed us. We went from sea level up to 169m (550 feet) back down to sea level and then back up to 150m (500 feet) and then back down to sea level again with lots of fluctuations in between. It was worth it though.

Luckily the hike ended in Quidi Vidi which is the home of Quidi Vidi brewery so I was able to quench my thirst with an Iceberg beer.

The next hike we went on, we checked the elevation carefully on the map. I was looking for a trail where the contour lines were far apart. Of course, it's Newfoundland so there are no flat trails but the one from Cape Spear to North Head was pretty good. The total hike was longer at 11km but it took us less time and we felt a lot better at the end of it. We were watching Minke whales for the entire hike. Of course, I couldn't get them to pose long enough for me to get a picture. The terrain was a little different, it was wide open with meadows full of wild flowers, including Newfoundland pitcher plants. There was also a great breeze off the water. This has been the hottest summer on record in Newfoundland and the breeze really helped. 


Monday 21 July 2014

Manuals River

Most of our week was spent in malls, banks, insurance offices and at motor vehicle registration. Not a lot of fun, but things we had to take care of before heading back to Paris. Now we can enjoy the rest of our time here.

We did manage to get out and explore a bit on the weekend though. On Saturday we went for a hike along the Manuals River in Conception Bay South. It has some beautiful waterfalls and marshy areas with lots of birds and animals.

We discovered that the T'Railway goes by the parking lot, so we took our bikes with us on Sunday. The T'Railway runs along the path of the old rail lines. Newfoundland hasn't had trains since 1988 so they've been converted to trails. They are great for biking because it's the only place on the entire island that you can ride on flat ground for more than 50 feet at a time.

Here are our new bikes. I sarcastically call Lori's bike "White Lightening".

Lori loves it because it's the most comfortable bike she's ever owned. It even has a shock under the seat.

Monday 14 July 2014

Baccalieu Trail

Lori finished work on Friday and is officially on holidays for the next 4 weeks. We kicked off her vacation by going out to dinner with friends on Friday night and then we went exploring yesterday. We've been looking at the other side of Conception Bay for a few months now and decided we should check it out.

There are quite a few dedicated driving routes and trails throughout Newfoundland and the one we took yesterday is called The Baccalieu Trail. It takes you up the western shore of Conception Bay through Bay Roberts, Harbour Grace and Carbonear. You return following the eastern shore of Trinity Bay. There was some rugged and beautiful coastline.

In Harbour Grace, we saw the statue of Amelia Earhart that marked her Trans-Atlantic flight that left from the town in 1932. It was the first flight across the ocean by a female.

In Cavendish we saw Shag Rock in the harbour. It looks a little like Stonehenge in the water to me.

Not only are the little towns beautiful but they have great names too. These are the signs of a string of three towns on Trinity Bay.

And then you come to this town.
The sad thing is, it's a beautiful spot with a great restaurant overlooking the water, it just has a very unfortunate name.


Monday 7 July 2014

4 More Weekends

Lori and I have just clued into the fact that we only have 4 more weekends before we head back to Paris. We thought we would be able accomplish so much while we were here. We had plans to hike, bike and explore the island but with the new house, the drive across Canada and Lori's job, we haven't been as active as we hoped. Fortunately, Lori starts a month of holidays on Friday so we should be able to get out and do a lot of the things we want to do.

Meanwhile, we've been trying to fit in as many Canadian activities as we can. My buddy Wayne took me out for a quad ride this week. With millions of square miles of rugged terrain, ATV's were made for Canada.

This weekend, Lori and I went for a hike along the coast near Topsail. We were on one of Newfoundlands perfectly manicured trails. Actually, the tree roots and rocks come in handy on the steeper slopes.

When we got home, we threw a couple of steaks on the BBQ. I'm not saying that people don't BBQ steaks in France, but it's something we can't do. We don't have a BBQ in our apartment and if we did, it would have to be electric. Not really the same thing.

Just to remind myself that we live a dual life, I decided to wash it down with a French beer. It was pretty good. A little fruitier than a Hoegaarden, but not bad.
