Monday, 7 July 2014

4 More Weekends

Lori and I have just clued into the fact that we only have 4 more weekends before we head back to Paris. We thought we would be able accomplish so much while we were here. We had plans to hike, bike and explore the island but with the new house, the drive across Canada and Lori's job, we haven't been as active as we hoped. Fortunately, Lori starts a month of holidays on Friday so we should be able to get out and do a lot of the things we want to do.

Meanwhile, we've been trying to fit in as many Canadian activities as we can. My buddy Wayne took me out for a quad ride this week. With millions of square miles of rugged terrain, ATV's were made for Canada.

This weekend, Lori and I went for a hike along the coast near Topsail. We were on one of Newfoundlands perfectly manicured trails. Actually, the tree roots and rocks come in handy on the steeper slopes.

When we got home, we threw a couple of steaks on the BBQ. I'm not saying that people don't BBQ steaks in France, but it's something we can't do. We don't have a BBQ in our apartment and if we did, it would have to be electric. Not really the same thing.

Just to remind myself that we live a dual life, I decided to wash it down with a French beer. It was pretty good. A little fruitier than a Hoegaarden, but not bad.


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