Monday 23 November 2015

Flight to Canada

I've been getting a lot of questions about how long my flight was and where did it take me and how did I feel by the end, so I thought I would let you know how it went. There are several ways to get from Port Moresby to Toronto, but the best option this time was to go through Sydney Australia. I left Thursday afternoon and flew to Brisbane Australia and that is a 3½ hour flight. I stayed in Brisbane overnight and then flew to Sydney the next morning and that was just a 1½ hour flight. 

I changed planes in Sydney and then flew to Vancouver for 14 hours. We landed at dawn. 

Once in Vancouver, I had to get off the plane, pick up my luggage, clear customs, drop my bag off so it could be loaded back onto the same plane, then I had to clear security so I could also get back on the same plane and sit in the same seat I just left. Then we had a 5 hour flight to Toronto.

I picked up the rental car and drove through rush hour traffic for a couple of hours to get to my brother's place in Cambridge. From the time I left our apartment in Port Moresby until I arrived here, I was traveling for 47 hours and in the air for 24 of those hours. I'm sure there are longer flight paths in the world, but I wouldn't want to do them. Lori will be flying the exact same route in December, but once she gets to Toronto, she'll change planes and keep going to St. John's, so her trip will be even longer than mine.

Other than the length of the trip, things couldn't have gone better. Every connection was smooth, the lines at customs and security were short, the staff of the 3 different airlines that I flew with were wonderful. All in all, it was pleasant experience, just really really long. I expected to have terrible jet lag, but I feel pretty good actually. Fingers crossed.


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