Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Comfort Zones

Lori and I have moved around quite a bit, so we're used to the ups and downs of discovering new places. Of course, this has been the most dramatic move and the biggest adjustment we've gone through. We are both pretty adventurous and we like to find new foods or cool little restaurants, but sometimes it's nice to fall back on something familiar. Comfort foods or your favorite TV show can ease the stress of the unknown. However, it's easy to fall into a trap where you insulate yourself from your new world.

We've discovered some great things here like wine, cheese, bread and really good oranges from Spain. We've had some misses as well. I can't find the right crackers for my soup or the kind of bacon I like. I know I should be eating like a Parisian but sometimes I just want the food I grew up with while watching an episode of Seinfeld. I think the key is to find a balance between the two.

It's been very raining here this week. I'm not complaining, I'll take +10 and rain over -20 and snow, but it's kept me in the apartment and I haven't been able to explore. I've been improving my French and Lori is busy with work. She's enjoying it so far. They have a wonderful cafeteria that is subsidized by the company. They have some other wonderful perks as well, like free admission to the Louvre.

I think we are adjusting well and definitely feeling more comfortable in our new world everyday. It's going to be tough to watch hockey or baseball while we're here though and I don't think I'll ever become a soccer fan. I need my sports comfort zone.

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