Friday 29 November 2013

Surprise Visit

Well it's not a surprise anymore because I let it slip the other day, but Lori is on a plane coming to St. John's to visit her parents. She lands late tonight and we are going up to the cabin for the weekend. We'll be back in town on Monday.

In the meantime, I've been touring around St. John's visiting some of my old haunts. Stopped into the Duke of Duckworth for a couple of pints and I bought a couple of CD's by local musicians at Fred's Records. I also went to the top of Signal Hill. It wasn't the best time to go up there. We had a wind warning in effect yesterday and when the wind hits 60 or 70 km/h in town it's about 1000 km/h up there. I just love the view though (even when it's not that clear).

I also stopped in to see the Terry Fox memorial. It was unveiled in 2005 and it's near the spot where he dipped his foot into the water in 1980 when he started his run across Canada.

Hard to believe that happened 33 years ago. Have a great weekend and I'll talk to you on Monday.


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