Wednesday 29 May 2013

Bad Weather

Sorry I haven't updated the blog in a week but I haven't had much to say. We spent last weekend indoors, reading and watching Netflix. The weather has not been cooperating at all. We had some nice weather at the end of April but the entire month of May has felt like the Bill Murray movie "Groundhog Day". It's the same thing everyday. Temperatures in the low to mid teens and cloudy most of the time. We get a few sunny breaks mixed in but we also get a few showers mixed in as well. Everyone keeps telling us that this is very unusual for this time of year. The locals are even more upset by this weather than we are.

We are hoping for better weather soon. The long range forecast calls for sunny days and temperatures in the 20's next week. Lori's Mom will be here a week from today so I hope the weather cooperates. I'm looking forward to Lorraine's visit, it will be great to have company and it will give us a chance to get out and see all the tourist spots within Paris that we haven't gotten around to yet.


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