Thursday 9 May 2013

Big News

Things have been happening in the background for awhile and I haven't been able to say anything but it's official now, we are staying in Paris until June 2014! We are very happy. There is so much to see and do, we felt like we were running out of time. The original secondment was supposed to end in July, then it was extended until August and now June of next year. Lori is really enjoying the work as well.

On an unrelated note, last Sunday marked the 20th Anniversary of the night Lori and I met. We were so excited about our trip to Sweden that we both forgot about it. On one hand, I can't believe 20 years has passed but on the other hand, it feels like we've been together forever. I can't remember what life was like before we met. August of next year marks our 20th Wedding Anniversary and for those who don't know, we are having a party in St. John's. Mark your calendars.


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