Tuesday 17 September 2013

Back to Paris

My time in Calgary has come to an end, I fly to Paris tonight. I managed to get everything crossed off my official list. I had an unofficial list as well. It was sort of a Canadian bucket list if you will. Most of which included food of some sort. Eggs Benedict, chicken wings, butter tarts and Caesars were all consumed (not at the same time). I also got to see a hockey game thanks to Anna & Eric, enjoyed a backyard BBQ thanks to Jess & Greg and watched some football thanks to Darren (who also put me up at his place for two weeks). It was a great trip but I'm ready to get back to Paris. I won't be there long however, because Lori and I fly to Prague on Saturday. For a guy who doesn't like airports, I seem to spend an awful lot of time them. Here's a link that shows where I am going on my Beer Trip.



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