Sunday 1 September 2013


We are home from another spectacular weekend. We were in a beautiful city, but what made this trip special for us was spending time with our friends Anna & Eric. We only had a short time there so we weren't able to do a ton of sightseeing. Most of our time was spent eating, drinking, talking and laughing.

The food was fabulous. Most people think of pasta and pizza when they think of Italy, but there is so much more. When you look at Italy on a map you realize that it is almost all coastline on the Mediterranean Sea, which is why the seafood is so fresh and so good. We enjoyed tuna, sea bass, lobster salad, and squid ink pasta. Of course we also enjoyed lots of wine too.

We did some sightseeing on Saturday afternoon. We went for a nice walk in the Villa Borghese Gardens near our hotel and found a spectacular view of the city.

We found the Trevi Fountain as well.

Thousands of other people found the fountain too.

You can find art literally everywhere.

It was a quick trip but I think you can see that we all had fun.


1 comment:

  1. What a nice picture of yourselves and your friends. What a great opportunity you have living there and taking the time to explore. I am here with Carm and Tom and all of agree that you look so happy and Lori you look fabulous Love you guys. D
