Monday 27 January 2014


What a difference a year makes. I am amazed at how pleasant our winter is in Paris, while being stunned at how bad it is in Canada. I've been following on the internet and getting updates from friends and family and I can't believe it. Here is a picture taken not far from where our cottage was.

Further south, here's my nephew "helping" my brother shovel the driveway.

 It's been a long time since I've seen snow like that in Southern Ontario. There are highways that have been closed for almost a week now. Add in power outages that last days and it has not been a fun winter.

Meanwhile on the other side of the ocean, we are still walking around wearing spring jackets and sleeping with the window open. We have not had a temperature below freezing or seen a flake of snow yet. When I look back at my posts from this time last year, I can't believe how much I complained about the weather. Our first day in Paris it was -10 with a couple inches of snow on the ground. My biggest complaint was about how grey and bleak everything was. This year is so different. We see blue skies, green grass and even flashes of colour from flowers that are still blooming.

Hang in there Canada, there are only 50 days until spring ;)


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