Friday 7 February 2014


Things have been quiet for us lately, we are taking a break from traveling for awhile. Lori has been busy at work and I've been catching up on my French training. We've also been working on the final details of buying the house in Newfoundland. I'm flying back in just over a week to take care of the closing. My trip is open ended right now, meaning I'm not sure when I'll be back in Paris.

We received some good news this week, they caught the person who broke into the apartment and apparently we were not his only victim in the area. Of course none of our stuff was recovered, but under French law, we have an opportunity to confront him in civil court to try and recoup some of our losses. The chances of getting money from someone who makes his living by stealing are slim, but I think it's great that the victims get a chance to face the culprit who caused them so much grief in court. Unfortunately, I won't be around for the trial and chances are Lori will be too busy, but it feels good to know that he has been caught and is being punished.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. I'll be watching a lot of the Olympics this weekend since Lori is gone for work. Take care.


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