Monday 18 January 2016

Back in PNG

We arrived in Port Moresby just over a week ago. The trip was long, but uneventful. We had a fantastic time back in Canada. We had just enough snow to give us a taste without getting in the way. We saw lots of friends and family, ate some incredible food, drank our fair share of Christmas spirits, caught up on some TV shows we've missed and just relaxed. It was everything we hoped it would be.

I think because we had such a great time in Canada, my re-entry into life here has been more difficult than I thought it would be. I must admit that I had been struggling with life in Port Moresby before the holiday. I was hoping an extended break would recharge my batteries and brighten my outlook on life, but it hasn't. The weekends are fine because we've developed a social life. This past weekend for example, we went to a get together at colleague of Lori's on Saturday and then I went golfing on Sunday. It was great, but the weekdays are killing me. Our life is so restricted because of the security situation, I'm finding it hard to fill my days.

Fortunately, we have a solution. We are in the final stages of renting an apartment in Cairns, Australia for 5 months. I'll live there full-time and Lori will commute every other weekend. Sometimes it will  be for 3 or 4 days, but other times she'll stay for a full week. Little things will make a big difference. Going for a walk, a decent internet connection and being able to buy fresh food will make life so much better for me. It's not an ideal situation, but it's better than me moving back to Canada and only seeing each other a couple of times a year. We are the first ones to do this, but others are considering doing something similar. I'm flying up on January 30 to move into the apartment and I'll have lots of pictures once I move in.


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