Monday 8 August 2016


I had a fantastic trip to Ontario, thanks to my brother Dean and his wife Charlene. I was very well fed while I was there. I managed to eat everything on my Ontario food bucket list - field tomatoes, butter tarts, summer sausage from a Mennonite butcher in St. Jacob's and I had corn from Gillespie's farm every day for the first 7 days I was there.

I hung out in the pool with my nephew Jack, teaching him how to snorkel.

The main reason I came back in August however, was to go on a golf trip. My brother organizes a golf trip to Michigan every year and I've never been able to go. For me, the golf was secondary and the best part was hanging out with my family.
 It was a great trip with lots of food, beer and family.

I flew to St. John's yesterday and now I can start on my Newfoundland food bucket list - Jiggs Dinner, fried bologna and toutons. For the first few days though, I'm just going to relax and watch the Canadian girls kick some butt in Rio.


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