Monday 28 October 2013


The weather in Paris has been beautiful this fall. This is our first experience with fall weather and we have been pleasantly surprised. After the cold, wet and grey spring, we were expecting the worst but it's been warm and sunny. There is a wind storm hitting southern England and northern France that is affecting us this morning but it's nothing compared to what Calgary got yesterday. Here is a picture my friend Darren sent me.

I'll take warm wind over that any day. We spent our weekend out walking and exploring our neighbourhood. We are slowly but surely finding everything that we want or need. Sometimes you find what you are looking for in the strangest places. We made another discovery this weekend that made me happy. 

A few weeks ago, Lori found a natural foods store that carries natural peanut butter. In France, peanut butter is not readily available. Nutella is the spread of choice and it's very good, but sometimes I just want peanut butter. You can find the commercially produced stuff in some large grocery stores, but I hate it. Anyway, we needed some more so we stopped into this natural foods store and over in the corner was beer from French micro-breweries. I knew these existed but I could never find them. I picked up a couple and they were very good.

I'm sure we will have everything figured out just before it's time to leave and return to Calgary. Where did I put that snow shovel?


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