Thursday 10 October 2013


After three nights in Prague (as a group) we boarded our bus and headed for Munich. Along the way, we stopped in a small town in the Bavarian Hills called Eck. It was a beautiful spot. 

We stayed at a small, family run brew house with a restaurant and hotel. The brewery is run by Gerhardt whose family has owned it for generations. He gave us a tour and then we had a fantastic meal.

Early the next morning we were on the move again. We stopped in Kelheim for a tour of Shneider & Sons Brewery. Schneider Weiss is one of my favorite beers, so I was excited about this. It's an industrial sized brewery so it was a different experience than in Eck.

Of course every time we took a brewery tour we had a tasting as well. With a group of beer enthusiasts and home brewers there were lots of questions and interest in the beers. This made the brewers happy and more willing to share their beer. At Schneider & Sons, they also gave us a beer to take with us. It was bottled just before we got there. It hadn't gone through its second fermentation yet, so we were given instructions on how to make sure that happens. So on Oct 28, I will complete my tasting of my Schneider Weiss.

After another great lunch, we boarded the bus for Munich. Quite a few people in the group brought beers with them. Either something they brewed at home or a favorite from their local brewery. This seemed like a good time to have a beer tasting on the bus, which made the ride to Munich more fun (except when we tried to use the tiny bathroom on the bus).

Munich isn't as picturesque as Prague, because it suffered quite a bit of damage during the war, but there are still plenty of beautiful sights though.

The next day was our Oktoberfest day. Of course, the Bavarians don't call it Oktoberfest, they call it die Weis'n after the fairgrounds. Growing up near Kitchener ON, I've never been a big fan of Oktoberfest. I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy it, but I ended up with a smaller group for the whole day and we had a lot of fun.

Just imagine the waitresses carrying eight of those full glasses through a crowd of people. I don't know how they do it. Tomorrow I'll talk about the final stop on our tour, Bamberg.


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