Monday 7 October 2013

Welcome Home

I have returned from a wonderful beer trip to Germany and Czech Republic. I had planned on posting plenty of great pictures and funny stories but that isn't possible. Lori joined me in Bamberg Germany for the weekend and when we returned home last night, we discovered that our apartment had been broken in to. My computer was among the things taken so I can't upload any photos from my camera. We are still waiting for the police to complete their investigation. This is one time I wish I was fluent in French. 

This is the first time anything like this has happened to either of us. It's amazing how angry and violated you feel. I guess I should focus on the positive. We have insurance and the damage could have been a lot worse. Even worse still, it could have happened while Lori was here and I was away. It's a good thing I'm tired of travelling and had planned on taking a break anyway. I won't feel comfortable the next time we leave, that's for sure.


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