Friday 21 February 2014

I Don't Think We're in Paris Anymore Toto

Well I've been in St. John's for just over 72 hours and I've already been through 2 winter storms. I guess that's my punishment for bragging about how nice the winter in Paris has been.

We take possession of the new house today. Everyone is very excited and anxious to start moving. Lori's parents have sold their house so we'll be packing up and moving over the next couple of weeks. Not sure when Lori will be able to get away for a visit. I think we'll have to change the name of the blog to "One Canadian in Paris and One Canadian in Canada" for the next little while.

Anyway, we won't be moving too much today because I'll be planted in front of the TV watching Canada and the U.S. play hockey this afternoon. GO CANADA GO!!


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