Monday 3 March 2014

Even Bigger News!

Awhile ago I wrote a blog entry entitled "Big News" when I told everyone we were staying in Paris for another year. Well, over the past few weeks, there has been something in the works that we haven’t made public but we can finally tell everyone now. Lori has decided to resign her partnership in the firm in Calgary and will be taking up an in-house position with Total in Paris. Here is a message from Lori:

Something ends and something new begins.

In 2003 we left Halifax to head for Calgary. I started a new job with a great firm and 10 years later (a bit to my surprise) I was still there, though working in a different department.  During those 10 years I got to work with a wonderful group of people and worked on lots of interesting and challenging files. It was great.

Then in 2013 we had the opportunity to move to Paris for what was to be a short secondment of 6 months. More than a year later, we're still here and we'll be making the move a permanent one.

It feels strange to say goodbye to a place and to people who have been such a big part of my life for so long, but it also feels terrific to be starting a new chapter in our lives.

Dennis and I will be spending the summer in St. John's. He's back there now and I will join him in May. In August we'll head back to Paris where I'll be working for Total in their legal group.

I'm so excited about the new job and am looking forward to seeing what the next ten years will bring. I'm sure there will be lots of travel and new experiences. I already know that there are great people and fascinating work.

Here's to new beginnings and to old friends!


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