Tuesday 28 October 2014


Working and living overseas can be exciting and fun but there are downsides to it as well. For us, one of the downsides is being apart from family. Even when we lived in Canada, we were separated from our families by great distances, but we were still in the same country, celebrating the same holidays, experiencing the same weather and watching the same sports. Now we feel even more isolated from everyone.

Luckily, we've had family visiting over the past two weeks. First my aunt and uncle came to Paris to celebrate their 30th Wedding Anniversary and then Lori's aunt and cousin met in Paris and stayed with us as well. It was a busy two weeks, but it was a lot of fun. Lori and I hadn't been to the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre in almost a year, so it was nice to see all that again. Our next visitors aren't scheduled until June of next year when Lori's mom and aunt are coming to visit, so I have a few months before I have to brave the hordes of tourists trying to snap photos of the pyramids outside the Louvre.

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