Sunday 2 November 2014


Lori and I are big movie fans so we really enjoy this time of year. All the movie studios seem to hold onto their best movies until Oscar season. Such a relief after the cheesy, super-hero and teen vampire movies you have endure during the summer.

We should really use the opportunity to watch the movies in French in order to improve our oral comprehension, but I hate watching dubbed movies. It doesn't matter what language it's in, I would prefer to read the sub-titles instead of watching a movie where the dialogue doesn't match the image.
When we look for movies to watch, we always look for VOstF which stands for, version originale sous-titres français. This means the original language is spoken and french sub-titles are used. It's kind of fun to read along and see how certain idioms and phrases are translated.
Of course, my favorite part of going to see a movie in Paris is being able to get a decent beer before the show.

Lori has holidays that she needs to use up, so she took Friday afternoon off and we went to see The Judge with Robert Downey Jr and Robert Duvall. Excellent movie, by the way. I highly recommend it. The theatre is in a shopping mall where Lori works and as we wandered through the mall, I was shocked to see Christmas items in the stores. I had always assumed starting the Christmas season early was a North American tradition, but not so. In fact, it's easier to put out Christmas stuff early here because they don't have to wait for Halloween to be over. Some of the Christmas markets are starting to set up their stall as well. At least they weren't playing Christmas music.


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