Thursday 25 December 2014


Lori and I had a very quiet and relaxing Christmas this year. I must admit that I have been growing a little weary of life in Paris. A combination of grey skies and too many people, but the festive season has boosted my spirits.

On Christmas Eve we stayed very French with Foie Gras and Champagne.
We had the Foie Gras with slices of Pain d'Épices (which is essentially gingerbread) and a fig and balsamic vinegar compote. I could talk about the spice of the bread with the creaminess of the foie and the tartness of the compote, but Lori summed it up best when she said it tastes like Christmas. It was very good.

On Christmas Day however, we reverted to our old standards. Bacon and eggs for breakfast and turkey for supper.

The turkey was leaner than we are used to and it had more feathers than I like, but it was very good. We had the traditional french dessert of bûche de Noël.
It was a great holiday season for us. The only thing that was missing was friends and family. Last year when we stayed in Paris, we had our friends Linda and Colin visiting us but we were alone this year. Next year we are going to Newfoundland for Christmas. Instead of quiet and relaxing it will be loud and chaotic, but we will be around friends and family so it will be fun. Famous last words.


1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a nice Christmas even though you were alone, yes next Christmas will be very different and busy you may be wanting the peace and quite lol. Don't forget only 6 months and Lorraine and I will be there!!!!!!!! Have a great New Year xoxo Diane
