Wednesday 17 December 2014

Le Sapin de Noël

Our recent trip to Strasbourg inspired us to put up a Christmas tree this year. We didn't put one up last year because our apartment was so small. We have been collecting ornaments from our trips to Christmas markets and we bought some lights at our local department store. Trees in Paris are obviously smaller than we are used to because most of them are going into apartments. I once said in this blog that everything in France is half the size and twice the price. I'm not sure what Christmas trees go for these days in Canada, but I've never spent $90 on a 5 foot tree before. Oh well, it's Christmas.

Lori is the tree decorator in our house and her frustration can sometimes overcome her Christmas spirit. There was a point last night that the lights were not cooperating and I thought we were in trouble. Instead of fighting with them, we decided just to live with it and not worry about how they look. We will probably be the only ones to see the tree anyway. Here is our tiny, and slightly sloppy, tree.

We do have some nice ornaments though. We bought this one last year in Vienna.

And this one in Berlin this year.

When you buy a tree in Paris, it comes with it's own stand. They drill a hole into a log and place the trunk of the tree into it. It works great but you can't really water the tree.


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