Monday 20 July 2015


Before we even touched down in Port Moresby, we knew we would have to make some adjustments to our new surroundings. Security, higher cost of living, weather and cultural differences were just a few. There have been a few others that we either didn't think of or didn't fully appreciate until we got here.

I'm used to 4 seasons throughout the year; spring, summer, fall and winter. In Papua New Guinea there are only 2 seasons; dry and rainy. We are in the dry season now. The dry season also means the windy season. At first, I was grateful for the breeze because it helps to keep us cool and comfortable, but it is constant and it is relentless. It wears you down after awhile. It also brings dust with it. I'm constantly dusting and sweeping.

Growing up in the northern hemisphere, I'm used to long summer nights. In Calgary for example, during the month of June we would have daylight until 11:00pm. Of course we would pay for that in December when it would get dark at 4:30pm. Being so close to the equator though, our days and nights are pretty much equal all year round. Sunrise is around 6:00am and sunset at 6:00pm. We are about 10° south of the equator so it does fluctuate a little, but not much. I think that aggravated our jet lag. After 3 hours of darkness it felt like it was time to go to bed, even though it was only 9:00pm.

I'm grateful to have a driver but it's an odd experience. It's a difficult city to get around because there doesn't appear to be any street names or signs telling you where to go, not to mention they drive on the left which would be a challenge in itself. I'm sure I would figure out all of that eventually, but the main reason we have a driver is for our safety and I'm glad for that, but it still feels weird to be chauffeured around the city. To me it just accentuates the disparity between the ex-pats and locals.

Anyway, we are adjusting and settling in. The pace of life is much more laid back and relaxed than it was in Paris, so that helps.


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