Friday 31 July 2015


I knew the beer selection was going to small when we moved here. While France isn’t known as a major beer producer, it is in the heart of Europe, surrounded by beer nations. I’m sure the shelves of the grocery store around the corner from our place in Paris must be overflowing with Belgian beer, now that I’m not there to buy them.

You can buy craft beers from Australia here, but they are really expensive. Beer is usually the one thing that I never look at the price. If I want, it I get it, but $35-$40 for a 6-pack is a bit much.

There is a brewery in Port Moresby called South Pacific Brewery and they produce 3 beers that are more reasonably priced. The Niugini Ice and Export are OK, a little generic, but fine on a hot day. I really like the SP Lager though. I normally don’t like lagers, but I discovered on my beer trip that if you get a lager that hasn’t been pasteurized and filtered to death, it could be really good.

I will have to save my beer tastings for when I’m in Australia and New Zealand.


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