Wednesday 9 October 2013

Czech Republic

Thanks for all of your comments and messages. Things are back to normal (for the most part). The forensics team finally showed up and they were able to lift 2 full hand prints from the patio door and a DNA sample from the shoes left behind. They were actually smiling quite a bit while they were gathering evidence. If the "voleur" is in the system, it shouldn't be too hard to pin it on him. I don't think we are dealing with a master criminal so even if he isn't in the system, chances are he will be someday.

I was able to take the pictures off the camera and email them to myself, I just can't get as creative while using my iPad. Prague is beautiful and we really enjoyed our time there. 

While Lori was there, we took a day trip to Terezin. It's a walled city about 60km outside of Prague. It was originally built by the Austro-Hungarians in 1780 as a defence against the Prussians. During the Second World War however, it was used by the Nazis. First as a prisoner of war camp and then as a concentration camp. It was a pretty moving experience. There weren't death chambers at this camp. It was used as a gathering place to send people to other camps like Auschwitz or Treblinka. There were still 33,000 deaths at the camp due to disease, starvation and beatings. We were allowed to take pictures, and some did, but it just didn't feel right to me. I did take one outside.

After Lori left, I embarked on my beer trip. I was part of a group of 14 and everyone was a beer enthusiast (or at least travelling with a beer enthusiast). It was a great group and we had a lot of fun. I also learned a lot about beer, not only from the brewery tours but from the others in the group as well. We toured large breweries like Pilsner Urquell and Zatec, plus smaller brew houses like U Fleku and U Medviku.

Prague is definitely on my list of places to visit again. Almost everyone we encountered in the city spoke perfect English. Not as much in the small towns but we had no problems. The Czechs have an incredible history that I find so interesting. From being ruled by the Hapsburgs to their Communist days, they haven't always had control of their destiny, but they are so resilient and very proud of who they are. I found this poster on a bus stop and I thought it was so cool.

If you ever get a chance to go, I highly recommend it. Tomorrow I'll talk about Munich and Oktoberfest.


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