Friday 18 October 2013


I've been back in Paris for awhile now and it's amazing how much it feels like home. Everything is familiar and normal now. Of course, I will never be mistaken for a Parisian. The fact that I never wear a scarf and my English accent will always give me away. Even though it feels like home, sometimes I still long for things from my true home, and Lori has found a couple of ways to make that happen.

While I was away, Lori figured out how to use the alternate audio feed on the TV and now we can watch certain shows and movies in English. Watching in French helps us learn, but sometimes you just want to sit down and watch some mindless entertainment. Just because we can watch more TV doesn't mean that we do, there seems to be a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed on Paris TV. We stay away from those but occasionally we'll watch an episode of Friends or Two and a Half Men in English.

The other thing Lori discovered was a mall close by. They have a large North American style grocery store that will make shopping a lot easier. There is also a Marks & Spencer in this mall. This is a British store and they carry products that I can't find anywhere else like meat pies, cheddar cheese and British Ales. Don't get me wrong, I still love French cheese but it's nice to have a good cheddar once in awhile. These are small things, but they make me happy. I hope everyone has a good weekend. 


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