Monday 21 October 2013

Sucré ou Salé

Lori and I had a great weekend. We went shopping in the new mall we found and we picked up some great stuff. We also learned a valuable lesson, never go grocery shopping on a Saturday. It was like Lord of the Flies in there, kill or be killed.

On Sunday we went to a movie. You can find English movies in Paris fairly easily. You just have to check the listing for either VO (Version Originale) or VF (Version Francaise). The Version Originale will have French subtitles while the Version Francaise will be dubbed into French. Now that the summer is over and we are approaching Oscar season, there are quite a few good movies coming out. We saw Woody Allen's latest film "Blue Jasmine". It was a little weird but pretty good. Kate Blanchett was really good though.

Movie theatres are a little different in Paris. They are similar to a theatre where you would watch a play or a concert. At some of the larger ones, they will have lobbies where you can buy wine and beer. When you buy your tickets you also select your seat. Popcorn is available but when you buy it, they will ask sucré ou salé, which means sweet or salty. I've never tried the sweet but I assume it would be similar to Kettle Corn. Regardless, it's never very good. They don't pop it fresh so it's not warm, usually stale and there's no butter either. The M&M's are good though.


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