Tuesday 2 April 2013

Cottage Renos

Sorry I haven't been updating the blog but I've been busy. So busy in fact that I have extended my trip by a week. When we put the cottage on the market, Lori was always on the fence on whether or not we should update the kitchen. It's always looked dated and has been a bit of an eyesore. Once we discovered that the dishwasher was shot, the ball started rolling and now we have all new appliances, I've stripped the wallpaper, I'm painting the walls and cupboards, putting on new hardware on the drawers and doors, installing a new range hood and next week, the new countertops and tile backsplash are being installed. It's been a lot of hard work and running around, but I'm sure it will look good once it's done. Lori has a pretty good eye for these things.

Once I have the kitchen put back together, then I can focus on what I came here to do, pack and organize our stuff. Some of it is going to friends and family, some is being sold and some going into storage. The weather has improved for the most part and the majority of snow is gone which helps. Meanwhile, Lori is stuck back in Paris by herself but work is keeping her busy, as it always does.



  1. OH Dennis, so sorry to see the cottage go up for sale, I was so looking forward to visiting again with Lorraine this summer. I'm sure your family wanted another visit also, you guys always made everyone feel so welcome..so sad no more cottage

    1. Yes it was a tough decision and we are sad to let go of it, but it just isn't practical for us right now.
