Saturday 23 March 2013

Home and Native Land

I'm at the cottage and all is good. My flight was great because my lovely wife upgraded me at the last minute and I was very comfortable. My brother and his wife were kind enough to lend me one of their vehicles so I could drive up here.

I've been away from Canada for extended periods of time before so I wasn't expecting any sort of culture shock when I came back, but things were weird at first. When I was in the Navy and we'd go away for six months at a time, I was always with people who spoke English and we always ate familiar food. The first thing that struck me was that I could understand every conversation I passed as I walked through the airport. It felt a little like sensory overload at first. I have grown accustomed to tuning everything out in France so I could focus on only what I needed to hear or say.

Once I got to the cottage, things felt more normal for me. There were a couple of challenges when I got here though. There is considerably more snow in the driveway than I had anticipated. I spent most of yesterday clearing the driveway. I have an intimate relationship with my snowblower now. Getting the water back on wasn't an easy task either. I was trying to figure out how I was going to heat enough lake water to take a bath when the plumber gave me the thumbs up.

I'm a little stiff and sore this morning but now that I've adjusted to the time zone, I feel good. It is Saturday morning and to me that means bacon and eggs. That made me feel good as well. Tonight I will be enjoying another Canadian tradition, I get to watch the Bruins destroy the Leafs on Hockey Night in Canada. I was out of the country before the NHL starting playing again so this is the first time I can watch a hockey game on something other than my iPad.


  1. Just 3 pieces of bacon Dennis? I thought you would be eating at least 1/2 a lb seeing as you have been away for so long! ~Char

  2. Told you there was a lot of snow... Happy you are here for a while, wish Lori could have come also. Enjoy the hockey game and say hello to Lori when next you talk....
