Wednesday 5 March 2014

Basement Apartment

Lori asked me to thank everyone for the well wishes and messages of congratulations. We are very excited to start a new chapter of our life.

I'm sure it must be confusing to read two completely different story lines on our blog. One day I'm writing about buying a new house in Newfoundland and the next I'm telling everyone we are staying in Paris. They may seem unrelated, but they're not. Since we are going to be out of the country for an extended period of time, we want a base in Canada. We have furniture, clothing and personal effects in storage across the country in Alberta, Ontario and Newfoundland. We asked Lori's parents to buy a house with us so we will have a place to keep all of our possessions, maintain a permanent mailing address and most importantly, have a place of our own when we are in Canada.

Lori and I wanted to be right on the ocean, but Lori's parents would have no part of that. We settled on a place with a view of the ocean. You can see the Atlantic Ocean (Conception Bay to be exact) and Bell Island from our deck.

Of course, because the Avalon Peninsula sticks out into the North Atlantic, the view isn't always as good. This picture was taken one day earlier.

We also wanted to find a place that would have two separate living areas. The place we bought was the perfect combination for us. While it doesn't have an official basement apartment, it's close. We have our own driveway and entrance on the side of the house.

We have a living room, two bedrooms and our own bathroom. There isn't a kitchen yet but until we put one in, I've set up a makeshift kitchen with a microwave, toaster oven and hot plate.

None of this would be possible without the help of Lori's parents. Moving is always a lot of work and stress, but I think they will enjoy as much as we will.


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