Sunday 30 March 2014

Paris in Spring

Lori here. We need to change the name of the the blog. Right now it's just one Canadian in Paris and in a few more weeks, I'll be back in Canada too.

What a change a year can make. This time last year, we thought it would never stop raining in Paris. It was cold and miserable. But this year, it's been a spectacular spring. The flowers are in bloom, most of the trees have leaves on them now, and we're heading into another week of 20C temperatures. When you hate winter as much as I do, a spring like this one is such a gift.

I'll be traveling a bit over the next few weeks and will try to post some photos here or on Facebook. Geneva this week and Erbil the following one. And after that, I'll be on my way home to Canada.

Now I just have to hope that Spring finds Calgary and St. John's before I arrive.


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