Thursday 20 March 2014

Middle Cove Beach

Yesterday was my birthday and I wanted to do something fun. Lori told me that my horoscope said I should be a tourist in my own town. It was a beautiful day, but a little cool, so I decided to borrow Lorraine's car and explore the area and get my bearings. I drove along the shore to Portugal Cove where you can catch the ferry to Bell Island. Then I made my way over to Torbay and headed back towards St. John's. I stopped at Middle Cove Beach on my way. This is just down the road from where Lori grew up and it's a special place to her. When we were first dating, we hung out here quite a bit. That's the first time I saw the Capelin roll in. Capelin are small fish (sort of like sardines) and they swim close to shore to spawn at the end of June or early July and they actually "roll" ashore in the waves. Sometimes you can see whales that are feeding on the Capelin close to shore as well. The sun was really bright so I was able to take some great pictures.

I love being close to the ocean again.


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