Monday 15 February 2016


Lori was in town this weekend. She flew in Thursday evening and left first thing this morning. Her flight was at 6:00am and she was in the office by 8:30am. It's just a long commute, that happens to involve 2 different islands.

We had a great weekend and the weather was spectacular. On Friday we went to Kuranda, which is a small village in the rain forest nearby. To get there, we took the Kuranda Scenic Railway that basically climbs up the mountain for the entire length of the trip.

The train stops part way up so everyone can get off and take pictures of the Barron Falls. There hasn't been much rain lately so there wasn't much water in the falls, but it was still impressive.

The train ride takes about an hour and half, even though it's only about 30kms long. It's the 328 metre climb that takes so long. The village of Kuranda is nice enough, but it's a typical tourist village with cafes, art galleries and souvenir shops.

The highlight of the day is the return trip. We rode in a cable car over the canopy of the rain forest. The views were incredible.

The Skyrail is so long that it's broken into 2 different cableways and half way down, you have to change cars. While we were waiting to get on the next one, I told Lori to turn around and look up. She was not impressed.

We finally made it over Red Peak and started making our way back down to sea level.

It was a great day.The rest of the weekend was spent going for walks, dining out and binge-watching Downton Abbey. I'm not sure when Lori will be back, she has to go to Singapore for meetings, but the dates haven't been set yet.


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